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Acqua in bocca
Acqua in bocca - Pascale Thirode
- Documentaire


France - 2009 - 1 h 25 mn - Réalisation : Pascale Thirode - Scénario : Pascale Thirode - Image : Jean-Marc Selva, Olivier Bertrand - Montage : Anne Souriau - Musique : Pascal Bibeau - Son : Jean-François Mabire, Benoît Ouvrard, Frédéric Salles - Interprétation : Pascale Thirode, Suzie Crespin, Garance Crespin -

Contact : Atopic - 16, rue Bleue - 75009 Paris - Tél : 01 44 83 97 85/ 06 64 86 04 51 - e-mail : atopic@wanadoo.fr

Corum - Salle Einstein Dimanche 25 octobre 2009, 18 h 00
Corum - Salle Einstein Jeudi 29 octobre 2009, 12 h 00

I am Corsican on my mother's side although she never told me about herself or anything about Corsica. Why did my mother seem to ignore the island? I have a vivid memory of a photo album found among her possessions, and from which the photos had been carefully removed. What had it contained? Who pasted the photos into it? Who tore them out? Why? The captions in the album are like clues along a path that I want to travel along with my daughters of 9 and 13, the last links in the story.

Pascale Thirode

Master in cinema at University Paris III, Censier. Education grant to study cinematography at the Picker Institute at New York University. First assistant director for numerous feature films and documentaries. Her films include Île flottante (short film, public prize at the Créteil festival, 1987), and documentaries: Le Dernier train postal (1996), Éclat (1996), Tu épouseras la terre mon fils (1999), En quête des sœurs Papin (2000), Peinture Fraîche (2002), Une femme de papier (2004) and Nos rendez-vous (2004).
