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Courts métrages compétition / Shorts - competition


Eva Is Leaving
Eva Ozevet - Aya Somech
- Fiction


Israël - 2010 - 15 mn - Réalisation : Aya Somech - Scénario : Aya Somech - Image : Shai Peleg - Décor : Sharon Eagle - Montage : Shay Mizrahi - Musique : Amit Erez - Son : Oni Elbar - Interprétation : Yaron Motolla, Noa Barkai, Elisar Girshovich, Aharon, Ronit Shats -

Contact : Aya Somech - e-mail : ayasomech@gmail.com

Corum - Salle Pasteur Lundi 25 octobre 2010, 12 h 00
Corum - Opéra Berlioz Mardi 26 octobre 2010, 19 h 00
Corum - Salle Pasteur Jeudi 28 octobre 2010, 18 h 00
Musée Fabre (auditorium) Samedi 30 octobre 2010, 14 h 00

Eldad, the owner of "La Coquette" coffee shop, is becoming a religious man. He tries to make his place kosher, while his wife insists on keeping her old habits. Eldad and Eva are facing the end of their love.

Aya Somech

Born in 1974 in Israël. Two years of law and literature studies in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Since three years, Aya Somech's student at the Film and Television Department of the Tel-Aviv University. She directed two short films in this school.
