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Courts métrages compétition


Waltzes and Tangos from the Village of Whitewater
Valsove i tanga ot selo Bela voda, Bulgaria - Ivan Vladimirov
- Fiction


Bulgarie - 2007 - 30 mn - Réalisation : Ivan Vladimirov - Scénario : Ivan Vladimirov - Image : Georgi Chelebiev - Décor : Victor Andreev - Montage : Ivan Vladimirov - Musique : Nikolaj Madjarov - Son : Alexander Simeonov - Interprétation : DImiter Ovcharov, Stefka Yanorova, Tsvetan Aleksiev, Pepa Nikolova -

Contact : Front Film - 7, Viktor Grigorovich St - Apt 5 - 1606 Sofia - Bulgarie - Tél : 359 888 325 022 - Fax : 359 295 162 44 - e-mail : frontfilm@abv.bg

Corum - Salle Pasteur Mercredi 29 octobre 2008, 18 h 00
Corum - Salle Pasteur Vendredi 31 octobre 2008, 14 h 00

Although love is the most important thing for all the characters of this movie, they find it difficult to share and easy to loose.

Ivan Vladimirov

Born in 1976, Ivan Vladimirov graduated in Film and TV Directing at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in 2001. Waltzes and Tangos from the Village of Whitewater is his debut.
