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Shkallet - Ilir Harxhi
- Fiction


Albanie - 2008 - 29 mn - Réalisation : Ilir Harxhi - Scénario : Artan Minarolli - Image : Claus Betzl - Décor : Emir Turkeshi - Montage : Valon Jakupaj - Musique : Miron Kotani - Son : Andreas Wisner - Interprétation : Margarita Xhepa, Gentian Zenelaj, Genc Fuga, Ledio Lako, Agnesa Vuthaj, Naun Shundi. -

Contact : IDEA Films - Blvd Zogu i pare, 62-3 - 04 Tirana - Albanie - Tél : 355 682 048 390 - e-mail : harxhiilir@yahoo.com

Corum - Salle Pasteur Mercredi 29 octobre 2008, 18 h 00
Corum - Salle Pasteur Vendredi 31 octobre 2008, 14 h 00

A new day is dawning for old Ramiz, who lives on the ninth floor of a building for which he is the architect. But with a lift that has been in repair since forever and a staircase so narrow it's impossible to pass each other face to face, the day promises to be rough and full of tribulations for him and those around him...

Ilir Harxhi

Born in 1960. Graduated in 1990 for electronic engeneer. In 2004-2006 he followed the Academy of film and multimedia in Tirane. He directed his first short film in 2006, The Break Up. After this movie, he opened his private Production Studio Idea film. Then he directed Weekend out of season (2006) selected in several film festivals. Stairs is his latest film.
