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Kozak - Olivier Fox
- Fiction


France - 2006 - 9 mn 40 s - Réalisation : Olivier Fox - Scénario : Olivier Fox - Image : Yohann Charrin - Montage : Franck Nakache - Son : Sammy Nekib - Interprétation : Catherine Jacob, Xavier Aubert, Fred Testot -

Contact : Les Films en Hiver - 36, bd de la Bastille - 75012 Paris - Tél : 01 43 07 18 42 - Fax : 01 40 19 79 09 - e-mail : info@les-films-en-hiver.com - web : www.les-films-en-hiver.com

Corum - Opéra Berlioz Vendredi 26 octobre 2007, 20 h 30
Corum - Salle Einstein Samedi 27 octobre 2007, 20 h 00
Corum - Salle Einstein Dimanche 4 novembre 2007, 14 h 00

France lives alone and her life is ordinary and uneventful. She discovers that an illegal immigrant has broken in to escape the gendarmes who want to take him to a charter plane for expulsion. She could give him away, she could be frightened of the police, she could have a thousand feelings... But the presence of this mysterious man just triggers one thing in her-growing desire, a violent explosion of the senses. A last chance for France and her illegal immigrant?

Olivier Fox

Qualified in law and audiovisual communication management (Paris I University). He has made three short films: Un jour sans pain, Comme des citrons and Kozak. He shot his first full-length feature, J'ai 10 ans, in spring 2007. He is also a television and cinema scriptwriter.
