Née à Londres en 1974, d'origine marocaine. Son enfance multiculturelle a été marquée par l'exil et le voyage entre l'Europe et l'Afrique du Nord. Après des études (Beaux Arts et Philosophie) à la Brown University (USA), elle produit et réalise un documentaire sur Pasolini. En 2000, elle reçoit une bourse pour intégrer la section film de l'université de Columbia. En 2005 elle reçoit le Prix Cinecolor pour son film de fin d'études ainsi que la Student Academy Award de l'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science en mai 2005. Elle prépare actuellement une trilogie dont l'action se déroule entre l'Europe et le Maroc. |
Born in London in 1974 of Moroccan descent. The early years of her life were defined by multiculturalism and exile and movement between Europe and North Africa. She studied Fine Art and Philosophy at Brown University (US) and in 1995 produced and directed a feature documentary on Pier Paolo Pasolini. In 2000 she was awarded a fellowship at Columbia University in the film school. In 2005 she completed her thesis film which was the recipient of the CInecolor Prize 2005 and was awarded a student Academy Award by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in May 2005. She is currently working on a trilogy of features based between Europe and Morocco. |