

Année(s) de présence :

24e Cinemed 2002



Né en 1971. Diplôme d'ingénieur civil de l'université d'Athènes. Vardis Marinakis étudie le cinéma en Angleterre, à la National Film and Television School de Beaconsfield. Après The Lodge (1997), Dany Miles is leaving Home (1998), Un amour d'été (2002), il réalise Seconde nature (2005). Black Field est son premier long métrage. Born in 1971 in Athens, he's graduate of The National Technical University of Athens with a degree in civil engineering. He studied film at the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, U.K. and earns his living directing commercials. After The Lodge (1997), Dany Miles is leaving Home (1998), Summer Love (2002), he directed Second nature (2005). Black Field is his first long feature.
