

Année(s) de présence :

19e Cinemed 1997
24e Cinemed 2002



Né en 1962 à Shati, un camp de réfugiés de la bande de Gaza, R. Masharawi vit et travaille à Ramallah. Il a réalisé plusieurs courts métrages et documentaires parmi lesquels : Travel Document (1986), Across the Border (1987), The Shelter (1989), The Magician (1992), Rabab (court-1997), Upside Down (2000), Homemovie (2002), Checkpoint, March 11, 2002 (2002). Il remporte l'Antigone d'or à Montpellier en 1994 avec Couvre-feu (1993), son premier long métrage de fiction. Viennent ensuite Haifa (1995) et Un ticket pour Jérusalem (2002). Le festival présente cette année son documentaire Arafat, mon frère (2005) et son long métrage de fiction Attente (2005). Born in 1962 in Shati, a refugee camp in the Gaza strip, R. Masharawi lives and works in Ramallah. He has directed several short films and documentaries among which : Travel Document (1986), Across the Border (1987), The Shelter (1989), The Magician (1992), Rabab (court-1997), Upside Down (2000), Homemovie (2002), Checkpoint, March 11, 2002 (2002). He won the Antigone d'Or in 1994 in Montpellier with Couvre-feu (1993), his first full-length feature. Then he made Haifa (1995) his 2nd feature and Ticket to Jerusalem (2002). The festival has selected this year his documentary Arafat my Brother (2005) and his feature Waiting (2005).
